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Reflex Integration Programme (Neuro-Motor Immaturity)

Primitive Reflexes


INPP (The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology) was established in 1975 by Dr. Peter Blythe. Peter Blythe and Sally Goddard Blythe are experts in the area of NDD (Neuro-Developmental Delay), or Neuro-Motor Immaturity (NMI), and who have written numerous books on the subject. INPP has pioneered research into NDD. The Reflex Integration Programme, based on the INPP method, has been developed to offer a completely drug-free and non-invasive treatment which can help children overcome specific learning difficulties.

What is Neuro-Motor Immaturity?

Each one of us is born with a set of primitive reflexes (sometimes known as survival reflexes). If these primitive reflexes are not fully integrated during infancy, control of voluntary, skilled and complex movements can be affected. This is known as Neuro Developmental Delay (NDD) or Neuro-Motor Immaturity (NMI) of the Central Nervous System.


These uninhibited reflexes can interfere with subsequent motor development, visual functioning, hand-eye coordination and perceptual skills. If the physical nature of these difficulties is not identified, it can lead to frustration, hyperactivity, stress, hypersensitivity, and emotional problems later on. It can also interfere with concentration and short term memory.

Developmental Stages

Factors which can influence  Neuro-Motor Immaturity


Threatened Miscarriage

Influenza or infection at specific stages


Alcohol consumption or illicit drugs

Poorly controlled diabetes

Placental insufficiency

Reduced amniotic fluid

Poor nutrition

Birth and New Born Disorders

Prolonged or precipitate labour
Fetal Distress
Breach presentation
Caesarean Section
High Forceps delivery
Ventouse extraction

Low birth weight

Inborn errors of metabolism
Low Apgar score

Early Childhood

Illnesses in Early Childhood
Febrile convulsion
Restricted movement in the first months
History of recurrent ear, nose and throat infections

How can we help?

Individual Programme

Full Diagnostic Assessment


This assessment consists of extensive non-invasive neurological tests which assess a number of skills:

  • Gross and fine muscle coordination

  • Balance

  • Patterns of motor development

  • Reflexes

  • Laterality

  • Oculo-motor functioning

  • Visual perception and motor integration


The Assessment, at which the parent/caregiver also needs to be present, takes approximately 2 hours. At the end of the assessment, a verbal report will be given. A home programme involving a daily physical exercise is prescribed, based on the assessment findings. These movements and exercises have been devised to stimulate maturation within the Central Nervous System. An assessment report will be sent out two weeks after the assessment.



The treatment comprises of a series of physical exercises based on early movements made by the developing child in the first year(s) of life. The exercises are designed to retrain the reflex pathways, inhibiting primitive reflexes and developing postural reflexes, thereby helping to improve the control of balance, posture, voluntary movement, visual functioning and perceptual abilities.

A typical exercise programme will take about 5 minutes a day over a period of 12 months. Progress is reviewed at 8 weekly intervals and exercises are changed when appropriate.  Reviews take approximately 45 minutes.

For details on pricing, please contact us.

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